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Contaminated Land & Water

BENSS can assist with all soil contamination & water testing, risk assessments, and remediation planning.

Despite more recent regulation and enforcement of environmental standards, historical site use, maintenance issues, adverse weather events, poor management practices and illegal dumping are still resulting in environmental pollution.

Whether you are concerned about a particular contaminant, require Compliance Monitoring, or a Broad Screening assessment, BENSS can assist with initial scoping, desktop studies, site assessment, and testing. Our Environmental Toxicologists provide expert risk assessments and advice for site remediation, tailored to individual clients.

For assistance in reducing overall waste in the first instance, including potentially hazardous materials and pollutants, we provide Waste & Recycling Audits, for a single site or at an organisational level.

Soil Contamination Testing
Water Contamination Testing

Water Testing


Contamination of surface and groundwater can result from leaching of historical ground contamination, industrial emissions, and surface run-off from industrial or agricultural land.

The most common contaminants of concern are heavy metals, hydrocarbons, pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers, although many others may be present.

In urban areas with impervious surfaces, run-off water can accumulate contaminants, which are then concentrated in drainage systems. This may lead to high concentrations of pollutants in a localised area, or throughout downstream waterways.

Our consultants provide water testing services for a broad client base, and can assist with most requirements.

  • Groundwater & Boreholes
  • Tanks & Wells
  • Surface & Stormwater
  • Inland Waterways
  • Off-Shore & Maritime
  • Industrial Effluent
  • Potable Water
  • Cooling Towers
EPA Waste Classification