‘….employers are responsible for assessing noise levels and implementing controls as necessary.’
Occupational hearing loss has been recognised as a significant issue throughout many Australian workplaces, and legislative requirements are in place nationally for employers to identify, monitor and control worker exposure. If there is doubt whether workers are being exposed to excessive noise, a Workplace Noise Audit will typically be required.
Information and guidance for employers, and those in control of potentially noisy workplaces, to fulfill legal requirements and protect workers is provided in the Safe Work Australia Model Code of Practice: Managing noise and preventing hearing loss at work.
Worker exposure must not exceed an average sound level of 85dBA over the course of a normal 8 hour shift, or be exposed to a peak sound (pressure) above 140dBC.
We provide Workplace Noise Audits for a broad range of clienst and sites, personal monitoring (dosimetry) for at risk workers, and can assist with recommendations for suitable controls or hearing protection.
Workplace Noise Audits
A Workplace Noise Audit is usually the most effective method of assessing noise levels throughout the workplace, and is often a legal requirement.
A Noise Audit may involve a desktop study and site assessment, and should include all significant items of plant or other noise sources.
Spot measurements can be taken to initially screen large sites, to identify potentially excessively noisy locations or plant & equipment, or to review previous noise data.

Static monitoring involves equipment at a set location, and recording continuous data over the course of a normal shift. Static monitoring provides whole-shift monitoring for a particular area or workstation.
Our experienced Noise Consultants can conduct all workplace noise assessments, including industrial & maritime environments, report in accordance with regulatory requirements, and provide recommendations for a range of controls.

Personal Monitoring (Dosimetry)
If workers are identified to be at risk of excessive noise exposure, for example following the results of screening a workplace with spot measurements, Personal Noise Monitoring (‘Dosimetry’) should be conducted over the course of a typical shift.
Dosimtery will show an individual’s noise exposure over time, identify periods of excessive noise (for example when operating items of machinery), and provide average exposure data for comparison with legislation and guidelines.
Based on the result of dosimetry, our consultants can advise on a range of engineering, administrative, and protective equipment controls.
Workplace Noise Mapping
Noise mapping of the workplace provides an effective method of presenting noise level data visually, which can then be quickly communicated to all stakeholders.
BENSS Noise Audit reports include a colour-coded Noise Map.
Noise Maps are designed to clearly indicate hearing protection requirements, noisy equipment locations, or maximum time for an individual to stay in a particular area.

Frequency Analysis
Frequency analysis of noise can provide important data to assist with risk assessments and selecting suitable controls.
Where multiple sources of excessive noise may be present, frequency analysis can help distinguish which source is contributing the most, and filter out background or ambient noise.
Frequency analysis can assist with targeted and cost-effective engineering controls – for example selecting sound attenuating materials suitable for specific frequencies, and where those materials should be installed, rather than installing general and excessive soundproofing throughout an area.